Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I love summer. A warm scented breeze blows by, and still I am startled, delighted, so glad that winter is over. I love the laid back pace of summer. My dad and I have stripping and painting my old bedroom for almost a week now. He does good work, and we haven't made any mistakes, but we're still not nearly finished. On day one, we stripped wallpaper at an intense pace, and I was ready to strip until we were done. It got to be 4:00 and Dad said we'd do the rest tomorrow. What? Do the rest tomorrow? But Dad was determined to clean up and enjoy the summer evening. I decided to follow suit. I'm a little anxious, just wanting to get it done, but I'm trying to get in step with him, enjoy the work as we go, and look at this project as something to keep us busy and not as something to get done and out of the way. Kind of like summer.

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