Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Read my previous post, then forget it.

Okay, this morning's post was a sham. It is full of feelings of guilt about not enjoying seminary to the fullest, and, to put it succinctly, it is me trying to be better than I am. I am tired. I am confused. Issues of covenants, the Church, women in ministry, baptism, predestination, etc... weigh me down. Grace so often is a comforting idea; right now it's just loaded with burdensome theological implications. Right now I just feel like pulling back from all things religious. I know this is part of seminary; it's normal to feel this way at times, especially nearing the end of the semester. A professor made the mistake of asking me how I was doing today, and as I teared up in telling him exactly how I was feeling, he knew precisely what I was talking about. There's no reason for me to pretend like I'm not struggling at all, and my struggles certainly aren't new around here. It's hard for just about everyone. I am grateful to be here, but it's hard.

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