Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Blog Plug

There's been a whole lot of blog-plugging going on in my circle of friends lately. I haven't really opened myself up to recommending web logs, as you can tell by my lack of links. However, I won't be able to go to sleep tonight unless I refer my circle of readers to Dave Ferguson's blog, Velocity. I discovered the blog about a month ago, I guess. He writes with contagious passion about leadership and ministry in a way that excites me, motivates me, and refreshes me. Seriously, when I feel drained and frustrated, I can read his blog and come away with a renewed sense of purpose. If you are actively involved in church ministry, go to a church, have driven by a church, or can vaguely remember hearing something about a thing called "church" sometime, I would recommend this site.

1 comment:

Dave Ferguson said...

Jessie - and now I'm a big fan of your blog too! Tammy found your post and sent me an e-mail telling me she knew you. Thanks for the plug!