Thursday, May 25, 2006

Moving on

Wednesday was my last school day with students, and Friday was my last day of work overall. I've been so busy, or at least distracted, since then that I haven't missed it at all. People have asked me how it feels to be done, and I haven't been able to give them a precise answer. There have been moments in which I have felt sad, yet there have been moments when I have felt giddy excitement. I was expecting more of a climactic moment of at least one of the two though. I was sure I would cry at some point during my last week, but I haven't. Yet, excitement of what's coming hasn't blanketed my emotions either.

Things hit me with a little more force today though. The English Dept. was hired to format and type some reading modules for next year, so I went to work today to do that. Walking in the building, knowing that I really don't work there anymore, pricked something inside of me. I have developed such a sense of ownership for that building, for those walls, for those floors and doors. Then, later, the custodians called me into the lounge and gave me a gift. The custodians gave me a gift. I have received some beautiful, thoughtful gifts in the past week. Jane gave me a beautiful commentary set that I am sure I will use again and again during seminary. The English dept. girls got me a certificate to a beauty salon. Students gave me plants, candles, and even Dr. Pepper and Little Nutty Bars. But, a gift from the custodians... I wasn't expecting that at all. And then came a real moment of doubt as to whether I had done the right thing... with people around me who love me and care for me like this - am I really supposed to leave. I am part of a community here. The teachers, the staff, the administration, the parents, and, oh yes, the kids... I am part of the fabric of the school. Am I really supposed to give that up?

Yes, I think I am supposed to give all of this up. It's another milestone in my life at which I am looking back, seeing the trials vividly, but also clearly seeing that God was faithful through every day. He once again provided me with a community that I cannot imagine can be surpassed anywhere ever again. But I assume He will work beyond my imagination. I'm counting on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I am almost giddy with excitement FOR you! I admire your courage in leaving behind the "known" and the "safe" for the who-knows-what-next-week-has-in-store adventure upon which you are embarking. I will miss seeing your perpetual Hollywood smile and hearing your enthralling stories about your menagerie, er, I mean classroom. (how could I miss a chance at a wildlife reference?!)

I hope you are enjoying your summer. I sure am, but it is passing way too quickly. I have, of course, forgotten when your school orientation is (you only told me twice!), but I hope all is going smoothly.

I look forward to your entries, especially after your classes start. I will miss you, Jessie. (So much easier to type on a keyboard than to say in person... no one around to laugh at my watering eyes and runny nose)